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Imagine a world where our youth, brimming with passion and potential, are equipped with essential life skills, a strong moral compass, and a relentless drive to make a difference. Now, imagine playing a direct role in shaping that future. Welcome to the 4ht Port Credit Scouting Group's fundraising initiative!


Our scouting group is about more than just camping under the stars or learning to tie knots. It's about fostering an environment where young minds are shaped into responsible citizens, compassionate neighbours, and proactive leaders. We provide opportunities for learning, growth, and camaraderie that go far beyond what's taught in the classroom. From teamwork to problem-solving, nature conservation to community service, we instill values and skills that last a lifetime.


However, we need support from visionaries like you to continue our mission. With your help, we can ensure that every child is allowed the opportunity to be part of this transformative journey due to financial constraints. Together, we can fuel dreams, inspire adventures, and pave the way for the leaders of tomorrow.


Join us as we embark on this ambitious mission to nurture our youth and strengthen our communities. Your contribution demonstrates your commitment to a brighter, more promising future.


Please select one of our fundraising or donation options below to learn more and to donate to the 4th Port Credit Scout Group.

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Want to support the 4th but not sure where to start or want to speak with a Scout Leader? Fill out the form and we'll reach out.

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